Month: January 2023

Disclosing Sexual Abuse: It’s About Time: Statistic saying the average age to disclose child sex abuse is 52 years old.
Child Sexual Abuse

Disclosing Sexual Abuse: It’s About Time

Why disclose sexual abuse?  FYI: The average age of an individual who discloses sexual abuse is 52.  And that’s if they disclose at all. According to the child safety organization, Darkness to Light, 60% of child sexual abuse victims never tell anyone. So why don’t the 60% disclose? In this blog post, I shared a

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A Family Code of Conduct: What is it and why do you need one? image of code of conduct document. A Family Code of Conduct is another way to protect the kids you're raising.

A Family Code of Conduct: What is it and why do you need one?

I never heard of a Family Code of Conduct until recently. Then a few months back, I attended Darkness to Light’s virtual “Envision” conference where I heard the term mentioned more than once. As a strategy to protect kids. What exactly is a Family Code of Conduct? According to, a Family Code of Conduct is,

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